Cookie Policy of

This website uses cookies for its operation and to improve and personalise the user’s browsing experience.

Cookies are small text files sent by the website to the user’s terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored and then transmitted back to the website next time the same user visits it. Thanks to cookies, a website remembers the user’s actions and preferences, so that when they return to it or navigate within it, navigation will be easier and faster, or the user will be able to view advertisements in line with his or her preferences. In particular, cookies can be of different types and classified according to the length of time they remain in the browser (session or permanent cookies), according to their purpose (technical or profiling cookies), and according to their origin (first or third-party cookies).

  • Session or permanent cookies

Cookies can expire at the end of a browser session (session cookies) or they can be stored for a longer and variable period of time (permanent cookies).

  • Technical or profiling cookies

Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of certain information on an electronic communications network or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information service to provide services requested explicitly by the subscriber or user.

The prior consent of the user is not required for the installation of technical cookies.

Among technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, the Garante (the Italian data protection regulator) has indicated:

  • Analytics cookies, used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users and how they visit the website;
  • Navigation or session cookies, which facilitate the navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas);
  • Functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user.

Profiling cookies are used to create user profiles and send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the web. The user’s consent is required for the installation of these cookies, and the user always has the option of revoking all or part of the consent already given.

  • First or third-party cookies

A cookie is either a first-party cookie or a third-party cookie, depending on the website or domain from which it originates.

First-party cookies are set and managed (or merely set up) by the website owner. For these cookies, It is the website owner’s obligation to provide information, obtain consent and allow blocking of cookies. Third-party cookies are those set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. For these cookies, the obligations described above are the responsibility of the third party, while the website owner must include, on their website, a link to the third party’s website, where the information and instructions for blocking cookies will be available.

  • Other tracking tools

This website or third parties may use other tracking tools, if listed below. These are technologies (such as fingerprinting) that identify the device being used (the device, not the user) by collecting all or some of the device configuration information. This is done for profiling purposes or to monitor activity on a website.

The data controller is Laura Mazza, Harzer Strasse 108, 12435 Berlin, VAT ID: DE307663720, email

These are the cookies installed on this website.

Technical/analytics cookies


Name Supplier and policy Purpose Expiration
_ga Web analysis 2 years
_gat Web analysis 1 minute
_gid Web analysis 1 day
AMP_TOKEN Web analysis 1 hour
__utma Web analysis 2 years
__utmb Web analysis 30 minutes
__utmc Web analysis Session
__utmt Web analysis 10 minutes
__utmv Web analysis 2 years
__utmz Web analysis 7 months
_gac* Web analysis 3 months


Marketing/profiling cookies


Name Supplier Purpose Duration Cookie policy
_fbp Interaction with social media accounts (Facebook) and conversation monitoring 3 months
_fr Interaction with social media accounts (Facebook) and conversation monitoring 3 months Commercial affiliation
  Stay22 Commercial affiliation
  Viator Commercial affiliation
  Google AdSense Advertisement
  Tradedoubler Advertisement


You can manage the installation of cookies on your device through the cookie blocker plugin, which appears on this website when you first open it, or from your browser settings by following the instructions given in the links below:

Disabling cookies via your browser settings may result in the inability to use certain services offered by the website.

To find out more about cookies visit:

To learn more about the function of each individual cookie visit:

Policy updated in April 2023.

WordPress Cookie Plugin by Real Cookie Banner